Saturday, January 14, 2012

My baby is gone!

I've said this before, but I REALLY mean it this time. My little baby boy is gone. He's a big boy now. He even said so! Oh Well! I still get some 'sugar' every now and then {when I steal it}! Mason and I decided to take a road trip on Friday and went to visit Grammy. Mason was in need of a hair cut, bad! So, we finally gave in and took him to a real kid's hair cutting place. So coo! He was able to pick which chair he wanted to sit in while getting his hair cut. He had to choose between a John Deere Tractor, a car, and a airplane. Guess what he chose!........



The airplane! He was so excited to sit in this airplane.

"Hey Grammy!, I'm riding the airplane!"

He was such a good boy! He did cry or fuss. Just a little squirmy, but the stylist was pretty fast and did a good job too!

Mason had fun playing while we waited. It was like a little kid's clubhouse. He didn't want to leave. I didn't blame him. :)

The end result, was a big boy hair cut. No, this wasn't his first cut, but the first time we had so much cut off at one time.

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