Saturday, November 01, 2014

The BIG "K"

Hey y'all!  Yep, I'm still here!  

I feel like Stella.  Instead of getting my groove back, I'm trying to find my groove.  In other words, since Mason started kindergarten, I have been trying to find a schedule for myself.  This has been the strangest, most awkward time for me.  Mason has adjusted very well into his new role of being a kindergartner.  I never thought it would be me who needed to adjust.

(Mason is actually in Mrs. Todd's class now)

After 2 months, I think I have found my new schedule and it goes something like this:

8:20 am ~ drop off Mason at school
9:00 am to 10:00 am ~ Crossfit
10:15 am to 11:15 am ~ Volunteer in Mason's classroom
11:30 am ~ Shower (finally)
12:00 ~ Lunch
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm ~ Run errands, laundry, clean house
3:30 pm ~ Pick up Mason (carpool)
4:00 pm ~ Start dinner
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm~ Dinner
6:00 pm to 8 pm ~ Homework, Bath, Book, Bed

Since Mason started school everyone asks, "What do you do with all of your free time"?  Really.... What free time?  I really don't have a ton.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes I squeeze in a tv show or something from the dvr, but I don't sit around all day watching tv and eating bon bons. HA!!

I'm so type A personality and I work so much better with a schedule.

I'm so proud of monkey.  He has really adjusted well with his new schedule.  He loves going to school and seems to have fun. 

Such a big boy!  I mean really, where does the time go?!

I'll have to admit, I was very sad to see him start school, but now seeing him thrive just makes me happy.  He was so ready to go out into the world and make his mark in the small world.

I love the extra special times and it makes them so much sweeter now.  

Early release means special trips to get french fries! YUM!

1 comment:

  1. Awww look at him! I still can't believe he's in kindergarten!
    And seriously, you SHOULD be sitting around eating Bon Bons and watching tv marathons. ;-)
