Monday, May 26, 2014

Mommy Moments

Hey y'all! How are ya?

We've been busy, busy, and busy!  I have been focused lately on enjoying the moment.  Soaking it all up!  

Since I have a little one on his way to Kindergarten, I'm really wondering, where has the time gone?!  I have someone every day saying, "enjoy these moments", and I'm trying to do just that.

I was able to celebrate Mother's Day at Mason's school this year.  He was so sweet.  He never left my side, wanted to hold my hand, and was so proud of the gifts he made for me.  I keep the pink wooden tray on my beside table.  I love all of my handmade gifts and will treasure them forever.  

  This had me cracking up.  I'm 4 years old, weigh 46 lbs. My favorite color is green (which is correct).  Apparently I always say, "clean up" (which again, is probably correct). I make great mashed potatoes.  My job is working on the computer and I laugh when Mason say's something funny (true).  If/when I have time, I like to workout, I like playing with Mason and I love it when he brings me flowers. And Mason loves me because I make good mac-n-cheese.

I think Mason got the majority of this right! HA!

We love taking selfies.  Mason loves to touch the button, and then look back at the pictures. 

I'm really trying hard to not stress over the smaller things, and enjoy my son as much as possible.  I know these moments won't last forever.  Even though I've made Mason promise that he will always be my baby!

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