Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Little Guppie

Hey y'all!

We have a little guppie in our house. HA!

We decided this year was a great time for Mason to take swim lessons. 

Honestly they are for us too!  Knowing that he is comfortable around water and knows how to kick to the side if he were to fall in...  well that makes us more comfortable too!

So, first up, the kids were in one big group to 'test' the waters.  They were taken in the water one at a time to test their skills.

Mason got right in the water and then held on to the side for dear life.  I was laughing at this point.  He looked back at the girl like, "You're crazy lady.  I'm not letting go of the side!"

Once he was out in the water and headed in the right direction, he was let go to see if he could make it to the side.  UMMM NO!  He just went right under the water.

Once the kids were in the appropriate group (based on skills), they were ready to go!

Kicking, splashing, and just getting used to the water.

Mason has done really well this week.  I'm so proud of him.

There were a couple of days he didn't want to go, but once we got there and he was in the water, he was fine.  All smiles.  

He must work really hard during his lessons.  He is always starved afterwards.  We make sure to bring a snack and juice.

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