Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Festivities

 Hey y'all!  So, we have celebrated Easter the entire month of March.

Mason got a package in the mail from Nina and Papa. 


 Lots of Easter goodies!  Window clings, cupcakes, crafts, magnets.... He loved it all!

 We put the window clings in his room.  They lasted about 1 day and then he stuffed them down the vent on the floor.  Nice, huh!  That's our Mason.  

 We also had lots of Easter egg hunts.  Mason had such a good time getting the eggs ready for his friends at school.  As he is putting the candy in the eggs, he said, "this one is for Ella, this one is for Trey, this one is for Jordan"... and so on, until he named all of his school friends. 

He was really concentrating!  When given a task to help, he does a great job!  Especially if it's fun! 

 We took our 12 eggs to an egg hunt at on of the kids home.  There were 4 different classes and kids running all over the place.  Despite the morning we had, Mason had a good time. 

 You know it's always the days you need to be somewhere on time that things go all wrong and cause you to be late?!  This was one of those days for us.  Mason had an accident right before it was time for us to leave and it was a MESS! ...


...And then, HUGE Mommy fail....

Poor fella!  I forgot his Easter basket!  I felt terrible! I just knew he would throw a fit when he had to use a grocery bag, but he didn't care.  Every kid there had a basket!  I mean E.V.E.R.Y kid.  Oh Well!   


Their home/land was such a pretty place.  I could have stayed out there all day.  

For some reason, Mason looks more like 5 years old in this picture!  



   Also, this month, we had fun with our group.  The weather didn't cooperate with us this day, so we did our egg hunt inside.

And of course a Holiday is not complete without cupcakes! 

Mason is a pro when it comes to eating cupcakes! 

I remember when he first tasted icing.

Look at his face!  EWW!

We actually celebrated Easter on Saturday this year.  

We got ready and headed to Uncle Jeff and Aunt DeAnna's house.  

I wanted to take some pictures before we left, but someone else didn't want to cooperate!

 This cracks me up!  

...And 2 seconds later... This is the face I got.  Wow!  How quickly we change?!

We ate, hunted more eggs, opened our basket from Nina and Papa, and visited our family.  Lots of fun!

Mason did a great job hunting eggs this year.  He is actually a bit different than most kids (that's an understatement).  He likes to take his time.  He ran around a bit, but he wanted to see an egg first and then he would go get it. 

The girls had fun too!  Money and candy.  How can you go wrong?!

We also celebrated Papa's 66th birthday!  Mason had to help Papa blow out his candles.  He is definitely a Papa's boy and is attached at his hip when we are visiting.  I know Papa must sleep for days when we leave.

Caity and Ali pulled 'the King' around in the wagon.  I know Caity is sad that Mason is a little boy now and not a baby, but she loves Mason so much! 

He's so handsome!

The kids all lined up for their Holiday 'whippy dip' from Papa! 

Wow!  Jake is so tall now!  This is so funny seeing Papa reaching up.

Mason had a turn too! 

Mason woke up Sunday morning and the Easter bunny had visited him.

He was excited!  He ran to the window, looked out, and said, "Nope, I don't see him.  He's already gone."


I'm really impressed at how Mason will look at each item with excitement.  Look Mommy, I got bubbles, Look Mommy, I got gum!  We looked at everything. 

We are so thankful to have had another Holiday to spend with our family.  

Happy Easter!  From our family to yours! 

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