Saturday, August 25, 2012

Show Us Your Life ~ Laundry Rooms

Hey y'all!  We're sharing loads of fun today, HA! I mean, our laundry room.  I'm in this room just about as much as the kitchen.  Even though my goal is to wash only one load per day (no that doesn't always happen), I still feel like I'm in here an awful lot!

I'm thankful to have this space.  We moved from only having a laundry closet.  This room isn't huge, but it serves the purpose.   I would love to have a sink, especially since I have a child now and a husband who loves to work out side.

I do like the fact that you walk in from the garage right into our laundry room.  Even more reason why I would love to have a larger space for a mud room.

We also share this space with our pantry.  Not a great place for a pantry in such a small space, but again, thankful to have a pantry.  I also use a shoe organizer for all of the smaller pantry items, fruit snacks, granola bars, oatmeal packs, etc.  This has worked great for our family.  Helps keep us organized and allows me to see when we are running low on an item. 

I just recently did some re-organizing.  When we moved in, we only had one wire shelf in this area and since then, we've added another.  I was able to put some of my larger appliances (not used very often) on the top shelf.  This left the lower shelf for laundry/cleaning stuff.  

I consolidated everything from the cleaning caddy, to one basket, that is much prettier. 

Added a few more baskets for misc. items, light bulbs, shoe cleaning kit, etc.

So, we went from this.... this.  Not a huge change, but much better.

Thank you for visiting us during the home tour.  The 'Show Us Your Life' topics will continue and I'll update you on the schedule once it has been posted. 


  1. I'm visiting today from Kelly's Korner.
    When our son was younger I remember doing laundry all day! (we didn't have a washer/dryer) In the last 5 years we've been blessed to live in apartments with a washer/dryer. Our son also does his laundry. (most of the time)
    I've been wanting a cleaning caddy so I can cut down on the back and forth trips. And I would love to have some decorative baskets.
    Your laundry room looks lovely.

  2. Oh my goodness! Bless your heart. I couldn't imagine life without a washer and dryer. You must have been a busy lady. Thank you for vising and for the nice comments.
